Pick up Nelson Searcy’s Best-Selling Preaching Calendar Resource at Half-Off!

Attention Senior Pastors – Today Only!

FLASH SALE: Get Nelson Searcy’s Planning A One Year Preaching Calendar for Just $14! ($39.95 value!)

Discover the simple step-by-step process to planning your entire preaching calendar!

Nelson Searcy,
Lead Pastor The Journey Church
Founder www.ChurchLeaderInsights.com

Your preaching calendar is central to everything you do a pastor. There’s no greater responsibility we have as pastors than to stand before people every Sunday and proclaim God’s word week after week.

I once heard that Pastors who write 52 sermons in a year write what is equivalent to three bestselling a novels a year! Whether that’s true or not, there is a great deal of praying, creativity, study, planning and preparation that goes into every sermon. All the while we cooperate with God’s spirit to deliver the greatest message in all the world.

Standing up to preach God's word is a tremendous responsibility - not to be held lightly. As a teaching pastor, shouldn't you do everything you can to be sure that you're a good steward of every opportunity?

That’s why I want to help you with my best-selling “Planning a One Year Preaching Calendar” resource.

In this comprehensive step-by-step training, you will discover:

  • The three steps to planning your preaching calendar
  • How the seasons of the year can maximize your preaching
  • Preaching for transformation vs. information
  • The three temptations that hinder planning
  • Effective message series development
  • How to attract, grow and balance people through preaching
  • Five ways to keep improving your preaching skills
  • Plus much more!

Hurry! This opportunity ends 11:59pm Monday, May 9th!



Your membership in the Renegade Pastors Network includes:

The Renegade Pastors Network is about a comprehensive approach to life and ministry. As a member, I'll help you stay one step ahead of the calendar, make the most of your time and resources and fulfill your calling for the sake of the Kingdom.

Together we'll focus on:

  • Personal and Professional Growth
  • Church Health and Growth
  • Advanced Planning
  • Healthy Church Systems
  • Becoming a Better Spouse and Parent
  • Fulfilling Your Calling as a Minister
  • Stress Management and Emotional Strength
  • And much more!

Here are just some of the Bonus Resources that You Receive with this opportunity:

  • Improve the Financial Fitness of Your Church ($99.95 value)
  • The Strategy Seminar ($99.95 value)
  • From Stress to Rest sermon series ($99.95 value)
  • Introduction to Church Systems Webinar ($49.95 value)
  • $813.20 in FREE Resources, just for joining!

    Fast Action Bonus: Get Over $813.20 in Resources - Hand-picked by Nelson - FREE!

    Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough ($29.95 value)
  • The Thursday Midnight Rule ($19.95 value)
  • What Gets Measured ($19.95 value)
  • Personal Growth Tips ($19.95 value)
  • Forgiveness: The Real F Word sermon series ($99.95 value)
  • Relationship Rescue sermon series ($99.95 value)
  • Improve the Financial Fitness of Your Church webinar ($49.95 value)
  • Managing the Stress of Ministry ($29.95 value)
  • Debt-Free Pastor ($29.95 value)
  • The Power of a Combined Service ($19.95 value)
  • The Decision Dilemma ($19.95 value)
  • Maximizing Summer E-book ($23.95 value)

The Renegade Pastors Network is a monthly subscription MEMBERSHIP program that includes:

  1. The Renegade Pastors LIVE MONTHLY UPDATE AND LEADERSHIP BRIEFING. At the heart of the network is a monthly update and briefing from Nelson via LIVE Conference Call. This monthly "pastor to pastor" call (which will be recorded on MP3 for your library) will be personal, practical, packed with content and slightly irreverent (but in a good way) training where Nelson will challenge you, enlighten you, equip you and guide you to maximize your next season of ministry.

    With the Renegade Pastors Monthly Update and Briefing, you'll always be one step ahead in your planning and fully inspired and equipped to stay the course of the renegade lifestyle ($199.00 per month value).

  2. Two practical, nuts-and-bolts CD's sent directly to your mailbox each month. Even if you can't make the live briefing or equipping calls - we'll be sure you don't miss a thing each month.

  3. Monthly bonus mail package to help you stay on track and ahead of the calendar. This monthly kit will be mailed to you, including recordings, transcripts, members-only opportunities, event invitations and more!

  4. Private Call-In-Hours where you can talk directly to Nelson ($295.00 per month value).

  5. RESTRICTED ACCESS Online Membership Site/Blog/Resources ($99.00 per month value). You'll have instant access to all your Renegade Pastor benefits, documents, recordings, etc. in your online Renegade Pastors hub.

  6. Continually Updated RENEGADE PASTORS RESOURCE DOCUMENTS AND DIRECTORY ($399.00 per month value). If there's a document that we use at The Journey or that is shared by someone else in the network (and I think it's helpful) Nelson will share it with you.

  7. Members-Only 30% DISCOUNT on all Church Leader Insights Resources ($245.00 value).

  8. FREE Webinar Access to all Church Leader Insights Webinars ($197.00 per month value).

  9. NETWORK ONLY rates on Coaching Networks and Advanced Coaching Networks ($148.00 per month value). As a member of the Renegade Pastor Network, you'll be able to upgrade to a future Senior Pastor Tele-Coaching Network or one of our other networks at the lowest possible rate.

  10. Lowest Event Registration Rate for all Church Leader Insights Events ($100.00 per month value), including upcoming Renegade Pastors Conferences and Church Systems Bootcamps.

  11. $595.00 SHOPPING SPREE Gift Certificate upon completion of your sixth month in the Network ($99.00 per month value).

  12. $813.20 in immediate FREE Resources when you join MONDAY, MARCH 14th! These resources are waiting for you in your Renegade Pastors Network Online Hub - you can start taking advantage of these resources immediately!
  • Additional One Time Opportunities - Check All:
  • My Order Total: $14


After your 60 day trial of the Renegade Pastors Network, you will be billed $99 and every 30 days after that. You can cancel at any time. Only submit the form once, otherwise more than one subscription may be charged to your account. Your statement will show the charge from the Nelson Searcy Company.

Your Renegade Pastor membership subscription is for ONE church. Please do not distribute these resources to any other church, organization, or individual. If you run a network, please contact us about network pricing. All materials are protected by federal copyright laws and cannot be distributed or reproduced without written consent.

If you have any questions about your membership, please contact Scott Whitaker at scott@churchleaderinsights.com or by calling 561-921-8488 ext 5.

Meet Dr. Nelson Searcy

Nelson Searcy is an experienced church growth strategist, pastor, church planter and coach, serving in ministry for more than 25 years and consulting with churches around the world. As founder of Church Leader Insights and the Renegade Pastors Network, he has personally trained more than 50,000 church leaders in over 45 denominations through live events, seminars and monthly coaching, helping them break common growth barriers like 125, 250, 500, 1000 and beyond, all while maintaining personal life and ministry balance. For more accelerated growth, pastors also participate in Nelson’s Senior Pastor, Evangelism, Stewardship, Assimilation and Advanced Coaching networks. Nelson is also the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.” He is the author of over 85 church growth resources and 15+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life and Ministry and The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact. Nelson is the recipient of the prestigious Donald A. McGavran Award for Outstanding Leadership in Great Commission Research. His continued mission is to help church leaders around the world cooperate with God in creating healthy, thriving churches. He divides his time between NYC and South Florida. He and his wife, Kelley, have one son, Alexander.

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The Renegade Pastor